Types of production lines

Where production lines are used?

Production lines are versatile ? They can be designed individually and adjusted to specific production processes, so they can be used for various purposes and support production of virtually any item. The composition of a production line depends in particular on the quantity of manufactured items, therefore the more items are produced, the longer the line will be. Companies from the industry, such as Europa Systems, can help in designing production lines.

Having that in mind, production lines can by classified per production type into:
  • unit production lines ? used to manufacture individual products, for example for an entire house
  • short-run production lines ? which manufacture a couple of similar products, used mainly in craftsmanship
  • serial and mass production lines ? used to produce larger batches of repeatable goods
  • continuous production lines ? where goods are manufactured on a continuous basis

Most often, production lines are used in the industries such as: food, automotive, machine, or electronic industry. With them, it is possible both to assemble complex computers as well as to produce snacks.

Classification of production lines

Production lines may be classified not only in terms of production type or industry. Often, they are divided in terms of the purpose of their implementation. We can distinguish here:

  • short-distance transport lines ? used to quickly move various cargo types, comprised of belt conveyors, roller conveyors, and other elements
  • assembly lines ? employed to carry out assembly activities using available raw materials or details
  • packaging lines ? used to pack ready-made goods in cardboards, foils, and other packaging materials
  • production lines, also using various technologies ? these are, for example, welding lines, coating lines, polishing lines, and lines used for other purposes
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