We are pleased to announce that Europa Systems Sp. z o.o. has been granted funding from European Funds for the following projects.
Within the area of IT system development, it will be crucial to develop a hardware and software platform tailored to the specifics of the washing and drying process, integrating the mechanical, control and robotics areas with advanced software for data collection, visualisation, and machine analysis, as well as effective methods for diagnosing the process and key components of the washing device.
Innovative drying nozzles and a filtration system using UV irradiation, modularisation of the equipment, as well as an analysis of the materials used in the project in terms of corrosivity in the working environment and the selection of alternative cleaning agents together with an environmental impact assessment. This will result in tangible benefits, i.e. increased reliability and reduced operating costs, flexibility, autonomy of use and the possibility to personalise the system, improved safety in terms of the spread of bacteria and viruses, functionality for diagnosing abnormalities in the cleaning process and the operation of equipment components.
Intermediate Body: The National Centre for Research and Developmen
Operational Programme: Intelligent Development 2014-2020
Priority axis: Support for R&D by enterprises Activity R&D projects of enterprises
Sub-action: Industrial R&D work carried out by enterprises Activity R&D projects of enterprises
Competition: 6/1.1.1/2020 6/1.1.1/2020 SS Large/MSP/JN 4
Scope: Projects from more developed and less developed regions
Project duration: 12.10.2020-31.12.2023
Value of the project: 4 271 084,73 zł
Amount of contribution from the European Funds: 1 708 433,90 zł
The project will develop a hardware and software platform, integrating the mechanical and control area with advanced software for data collection, visualisation, and machine data analysis (AI), tailored to the specifics of the process, which will enable the collection and intelligent processing of data relating to the execution of the transport process, the use and operation of the system, as well as its key components.
The aPCS will also enable automatic diagnostics of equipment. The project aims to develop a solution with high flexibility, increased process execution efficiency, reliability, device durability and reduced operating costs.
Intermediate Body: The National Centre for Research and Development
Operational Programme: Intelligent Development 2014-2020
Priority axis: Support for R&D by enterprises Activity R&D projects of enterprises
Sub-action: Industrial R&D work carried out by enterprises
Action: Business R&D projects
Competition: 1/1.1.1/2021 – Fast track
Scope: Projects from less developed regions
Project duration: 01.04.2021-31.12.2023
Value of the project: 12 756 128,16 zł
Amount of contribution from the European Funds: 5 102 451,23 zł
The project involves the implementation of a linear project, consisting of R&D and internationalisation modules, the starting point for which will be the carrying out of development work (DW), covering the development of an innovative product on a scale of at least the Polish market in the form of a system of conveyors for the transport of light materials with advanced IT and automation components for the control of logistical processes in e-Commerce with high energy efficiency, reliability and efficiency in the implementation of service and maintenance activities, planned in 5 stages:
Target group for project activities
The product developed in the course of the R&D work will be introduced, within its own resources, into the operations of Europa Systems, by starting its production and sale to Polish and foreign logistics centres operating in the e-Commerce sector.
Project objectives
The aim of the project is to increase the level of product, digital and environmental innovation of Europa Systems Sp. z o.o. in order to increase its competitiveness, increase its revenue, as well as strengthen cooperation with the scientific sector and SMEs.
Project objectives
The aim of the project is to increase the level of product, digital and environmental innovation of Europa Systems Sp. z o.o. in order to increase its competitiveness, increase its revenue, as well as strengthen cooperation with the scientific sector and SMEs.
Planned effects
The project is aimed at implementing into business practice an innovative product on the scale of at least the Polish market in the form of a system for the realisation of logistic processes in e-Commerce centres, consisting of a modular system of conveyors for the transport of light materials integrated with automation components for the control of transport realisation processes and advanced IT solutions, including those using AI, with high energy efficiency, reliability and effectiveness of realisation of service and maintenance activities. The result of the project will stand out in the market with novel features such as reduced energy demand and carbon footprint monitoring, access to the system via ICT applications, increased number of transport system equipment modules including proprietary mechanical service elements and an innovative IoT controller, which overall will translate into an increase in the total availability of the logistics system, to at least 98.5%.
Value of the project
7 008 316,01 zł
Amount of contribution from the European Funds: 2 718 163,73 zł